Check Out Our Extensive Song List
We have roughly 30,000+ songs, and that is growing every week as we are constantly buying new music to add to our collection. We purchase our new music from a few different websites, including some that we have listed below. Push on the buttons above for our most recent song list.
If you cannot see the song you want in our list, check to see if it is on any of these websites by clicking the links below. Some songs don't make it to karaoke, so happy searching if it is a little bit obscure. If it is available on these sites, or if you find it from another source, fill out the contact form and we will get the song for you! Happy Song Searching!
If you cannot see the song you want in our list, check to see if it is on any of these websites by clicking the links below. Some songs don't make it to karaoke, so happy searching if it is a little bit obscure. If it is available on these sites, or if you find it from another source, fill out the contact form and we will get the song for you! Happy Song Searching!
We are buying new music every week
Check Out Our Newest Songs below!
We have shows almost every night of the week, and we are constantly buying new music to sing for our singers. If you want us to look up a song, just text into the DJ and we will do our best in finding the song to buy somewhere. We use specific websites to look, so feel free to browse what they are currently offering and let us know if there is a song we can get for you. Thanks!
Want to see if your song is available?
Click on any of the websites below. Check all of them because they all have different songs. - - - -